La Rochelle - Charente Pilot |

Phone : + 33 (0)5 46 42 63 05
Fax : + 33 (0)5 46 42 26 96
Mobile phone : + 33 (0)6 08 60 48 84
E-mail : |
Frequency : La Rochelle-Charente (or La Pallice) pilots : Ch 16 ; 12
Pilot vessel : Ch 16 ; 12.
Hours : H24
Areas |
Compulsory pilotage area
Pilotage is compulsory from chauveau buoy to the following points:
- La Rochelle city Harbour and vice-versa
- La Pallice harbours and docks, and vice-versa
- Marans harbour, and vice versa
As well as the ways between these ports and roadsteds, and shiftings inside those harbours.
Are excluded of compulsory pilotage :
- shiftings inside the wet dock of La Pallice
- shiftings alongside the wharfs.
Compulsory pilotage areas for la Charente river :
Pilotage is compulsory in the area limited for the following points :
- North : parallel of the northern point of Aix Island
- West : meridian of the western point of Aix Island
- South : parallel of Oleron Casttle, located in Oleron Island
- East : Bridge of Tonnay-Charente
Are excluded of compulsory pilotage :
- Shiftings inside the wet docks of Rochefort
- Shiftings alongside the wharfs
Procedure |
1) Pilotage, which is available H24, is mandatory for the following :
(a) Vessels over 55 m LOA bound for the ports of La Rochelle and La Pallice,
(b) Vessels over 50 m LOA bound for the fishing port of Chef de Baie,
(c) Vessels over 45 m LOA bound for the Charente river,
(d) Vessels over 40 m LOA for the port of Marans.
Pilotage is not compulsory for vessels with LOA less than stated in (a), (b), (c) and (d) above, provided that they are equipped with VHF.
2) Vessels should contact the Pilot Station :
- at least 12 h in advance of arrival at Chauveau Lt buoy (46°06’.6N 1°16’0W ) for vessels bound for the ports of La Rochelle, La Pallice and Marans,
- at least 18 h in advance of arrival at Chauveau Lt buoy for vessels bound for the Charente river,
Stating :
- Vessel’s name and call sign,
- ETA at Chauveau Lt buoy,
- LOA,
- Maximum draught on arrival ( sea water ),
- Whether the vessel is equipped with a working bow ( or stern ) thrusters,
- Full manoeuvring speed ( vessels bound for the Charente river ),
- Damage ( radar equipment, others… ).
3) Vessels should send all amendments to ETA of more than 1 h at least 4 h in advance.
4) Vessels should confirm ETA at Chauveau Lt buoy by VHF 2 h in advance.
5) Vessels at the Waiting Anchorage should advise the pilot station on arrival and maintain a listening watch on VHF Ch 16 and 12.
6) Pilot boards all ships in the following position :
- 1 n mile south of Chauveau lt buoy ( 46°05.6’ – 1°16.0’ W ).
7) Vessels should contact the Pilot Station :
- 2 h before departure from the ports of La Rochelle, La Pallice, Marans and Charente River |
Copyright © La Rochelle-Charente Pilot